Wollemi Pine |  FAQs

  • Has my Wollemi Pine died over the winter due to the cold temperatures?
  • What is it?
  • What do they look like?
  • Where did the name come from?
  • Where are they?
  • How were they found?
  • How old are they?
  • Are they protected?
  • How can we help conserve the Wollemi Pine?
  • Where can I see a Wollemi Pine in the UK?
  • Where can I buy one?
  • Wollemi Pine Stockists
  • What is the association between KPP and Kew?
  • Who is Tony Kirkham?
  • Why are the tips of the leaves of my Wollemi Pine going brown?
  • How does the Wollemi Pine help to offset carbon footprint?
  • How much CO2 will a Wollemi Pine sequester?
  • Why has my Wollemi Pine developed spots on its leaves?
  • Wollemi Pine |  FAQs